Satnam Sunshine Holistic Healing
Health Empowerment
Classes - Energy Empowerment!
The wonderful world of energy, invisible to the naked eye, yet felt by those that are highly sensitive, is all encompassing. We live in a sea of energy. Once we tap into that current of energy, we can begin to learn and recognize that we can positively influence the outcome of our life objectives, and thus, heal. We begin to heal from our past, heal from our present, and heal the future.
Meditation - Mind Empowerment!
Meditation is like taking a spiritual shower, akin to us taking an actual shower or washing our clothes. When we meditate we wash our spiritual selves and our energy body. You might be thinking, 'So why is this important? I've never heard of anything like this before." Meditation calms the brain and regulates sleep-wake cycle. When we regularly wash our energy body, we have more than enough energy to stay in the present moment and not react to upsetting stimuli. We remain loving to our family members and colleagues, we become enlivened in our daily routine tasks, we become focused on our longterm goals and objectives. Meditation fuels us with vital prana and makes us feel safe and whole in the world.
Yoga - Physical Empowerment!
Yoga is one of the most traditional forms of energy healing where it balances the chakras, recirculates prana through the meridians, and cleanses and energizes the physical body through physical exertion of poses. The practice of yoga incorporates meditation, chanting, mudras and pranayama. Pawanmuktasana is the most basic form of body mechanics. It is for those who have little to no physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle. This yoga, although simple and basic, is so energetically powerful and restorative. Hatha is for the adept who has more physical mobility and Ashtanga is for those who are more adept in movement. All will lengthen and strengthen the muscles, ligaments, tendons of physical body. By toning the physical body, our mind becomes calmer, our emotions become more stable, and our aura, or energy body remains full, vibrant, and intact.
Laughter Yoga
They say laughter is the best medicine. Laughter Yoga will leave you with a super confident feeling that every mountainous problem is easily surmountable. Laughter Yoga makes you glow and radiate with happiness. You've got to try this out and see for yourself!
Pranayama - Breath Empowerment!
The amazing compounding effect of breathing as a form of exercise, or rather pranayama, is an ancient healing art. Within 5 minutes of practicing one form of breathwork, you will notice a difference. Within 15 minutes, you will feel clear headed and energized like you drank a pot of coffee without all the jitters. You will feel charged up and focused. Regular consistent practice of pranayama repairs the energy body from the inside out by regularly circulating prana through the meridians and increasing oxygenated blood through the veins and body; likewise, it expels stagnant, diseased energy congesting the chakras. It regulates the flow of prana in and out of the chakras which then fuel prana to the internal organs and other body parts. By supplying vital life force energy to the internal organs and body parts, every part of the body begins to heal on its own. Pranayama is the best expression of 'effortless action.'